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National Festival Winners

1987-Pitt’s Pets—Elaine Pitt (Choral 19 & Under)


Provincials Festival Winners

2023- Katie Wengryn (Vocal Solo-17 & Under)
2022- Sawyer Sylvester (Musical Theatre Uptempo-12 & Under) 

2022- Bianca Brugman (Musical Theatre Uptempo- 16 & Under)

2022- Gracenotes Honor Choir

           - Rhonda Sylvester (Community Choral- Ensemble) 

2022- Rhapsody Girls & Tiny Tenors
           - Rhonda Sylvester (Community Choral- Ensemble) 
2022- Gracenotes with Rhapsody Girls & Tiny Tenors
           - Rhonda Sylvester(Community Choral- 16 & Under) 

2019- Simone Brugman (Musical Theatre Uptempo-12 & Under) 

2019- Alexandra Brigley (Musical Theatre Uptempo- Senior)

2018- Rhapsody Girls & Tiny Tenors

            - Rhonda Sylvester (Choral-14 & Under)

2018- Dacia Gramlick (Vocal- Senior)

2017- Grade 2DB-Donna Boyd-Stadelmann

             GOLD (Choral Speech Grades 1-3)

2015- Dacia Gramlick (Musical Theatre Senior)

2015- Gracenotes Ensemble-Rhonda Slyvester (Choral Ensemble)

2015- Rhapsody Girls & Tiny Tenors

               -Rhonda Slyvester (Choral 12 & Under)

2013- Gracenotes Ensemble-Rhonda Slyvester (Choral Ensemble)

2012 - Gracenotes- Rhonda Sylvester (Choral 16 & Under)

2012-Grade 2AH/2DB (Choral Speech Grades 1-3)

2003-Gracenotes-Rhonda Newton (Choral 16 & Under)

2002-Gracenotes-Rhonda Newton (Choral 16 & Under)

2001-Gracenotes-Rhonda Newton (Choral 16 & Under)

2001-Mame Willis (Musical Theatre 16 & Under)

1992-Alison McDavid (Vocal Solo 16 & Under)

1991-Alison McDavid
            (Musical Theatre/Light Opera Solo Jr. 12 & Under)

 1991- Pitt’s Pets-Elaine Pitt (Choral Jr. 16 & Under)

1990-Pitt’s Pets-Elaine Pitt (Choral Jr. 16 & Under)

1989-Julia Casey (Girl’s Vocal Solo Int. 16 & Under- outside cities)

1988-Trent Cottam (Boy’s Vocal Solo Int.)

 1988-Stettler Community Band-R. Finlay

1987-Pitt’s Pets- Elaine Pitt (Choral Jr. 16 & Under)

1987- John Ceri Jones
                (Boy’s Vocal Solo Int. 16 & under-outside cities)

1986-David Robertson (Musical Theatre/Light Opera Solo Sr.)

1985-Brad Lagore (Musical Theatre/Light Opera Solo Sr.)

1984-Pitt’s Pets-Elaine Pitt (Choral Jr. 16 & Under)

1983-Holly Barnec (Vocal Solo Sr.)

  1983-Grant Clark (Boy’s Vocal Solo Int. 16 & Under-outside cities)

 1983- James Pfeiffer (Brass Instrumental Solo Sr. National)

1982-Ted Hart (Boy’s Vocal Solo Int. 16 & Under-outside cities)

 1982- Brad Lagore (Vocal Solo Sr.)

1981-Holly Barnec (Musical Theatre/Light Opera Solo Jr. 16 & Under)

 1981- Mark Filipchuk (Woodwind Instrumental Solo Sr.)

1981- James Pfeiffer (Brass Instrumental Solo Sr. National)

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